Monday, February 25, 2008

Trunk Lady

I finally took the plunge and created this blog. I must be nuts. But then I've doing permutations with my 8th grader. I didn't know such things existed.

I'm a writer so I don't have much use for them. Geometry either.

I expect to post interesting history facts, updates and news here. Nothing big or elaborate because I'm neither. Plain and simple.

Two friends want me to join them in SF this summer for the Romance Writers of America Conference. I'll have to sleep in the bathtub, which is a step up from the trunk where I was last year. Ok here's the explanation. We'd been to the Medieval Times Restaurant in Dallas. On the way back someone had to sit all the way in the back. My knee hurt and I could stretch it out so I sat back there. At the hotel everyone got out and left me. I couldn't get out! The valet gets in the car and I say, "Excuse me." Scared the poor guy to death. He comes to the back and opens the hatch and helps me out. Four friends were in the car behind us and they are still laughing to this day. So they told me if I join them I can sleep in the tub. A step up, I say.

Back to writing. Finished with math--till tomorrow.



Keely said...

Bring pillows! LOL. I'm really gonna miss going to SF, but oh well. Have a great time and I hope you sell a bazillion books.

Big time congrats on Brides of the West!

Leanne said...

Oh yes, the look on both her face and the poor valet's face was priceless. One of those moments where we needed a video camera with us. I KNOW it would have won on America's Favorite Videos!!!

Congrats on the new blog, Billie!


Deborah Macgillivray said...

welcome to blogger. I love mine. I am able to keep the update information out there for everyone, with such ease. You can set up a RSS feed to Amazon Conenct and then what you post here shows up there! Saves you time.

Congrats on the book doign so well!

Gerri said...

Now I've heard the entire story! I thought you rode in the trunk because there wasn't room in the car! Wish I could have seen the valet's face when he heard you!
Lovely blog, Billie! :D

Laurel Bradley said...

Funny story, Billie. Great start to your blog.

Diane D White said...

Who is that miget in the trunk? Oh My! It's a's a plane...its Wonder Billie! LOL. It was so funny to see the look on your face, I am just glad for depends...

I'm reading Brides of the West, by the way, and it ROCKS! Will have a super review for ya'll soon...